Ratusan kelompok kesenian di Kota Wisata Batu 
menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan pecinta budaya. 

Seni tradisional, sebagai warisan leluhur, masih dipertahan kan oleh masyarakat Kota Wisata Batu. Wujud ekspresi budaya yakni dengan menyelenggarakan berbagai even budaya, seperti Bantengan Nuswantara, Grebeg Suro serta agenda tahunan Batu Flora Festival.


Hundred of art groups are in Batu Tourism Town. 
It's existence become special interest for tourist who love culture.

Traditional arts, as the ancestor heritage, 
are still maintained by the local people.
The culture is expressed by holding various cultural events, 
such as Bantengan Nuswantara, Grebeg Suro and annual agenda Batu Flora Festival

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